Explorathon - Glasgow Science Centre

Explorathon - Glasgow Science Centre

The Rheumatosphere team used various methods to engage the public and explain rheumatic disease and how we study it.

Science Centre Nov 15

Ultrasound was used to scan the joints of individuals to help the participants to understand joint anatomy and rheumatic disease.  The changes that would be seen in a diseased joint were explained and the use of these machines in diagnostics was highlighted. 

Science Centre nov 15

Children were engaged with an interactive poster using cartoons to explain how some cells in the immune system are able to defend the body.  They were then provided with arts and crafts materials to design their own immune cells and depict how they would fight invaders. 

In addition, a cell media cocktail stand provided an opportunity to explain biopsies and how they are used in the lab. The team described the process of obtaining the biopsy and the techniques used in the lab that lead to a better understanding of disease.  Cocktail ingredients were used to explain how media and other reagents keep cells alive in culture.

Science Centre Nov 15